Project Cycle Toolkit

LNOB Inequality Poverty Focus Area
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Poverty Analysis Tool

Planning Strategy

This tool provides a framework for analysing national poverty situations to ensure a portfolio which delivers measurable impact on poverty across all sectors.

Key features:

  • guidance on how to obtain key data on the current poverty situation and to detect the most significant drivers of poverty of a selected country
  • instructions for analysing the current portfolio and options for the future
  • concepts for interactive workshops to validate the findings and prioritise the most significant drivers of poverty

Ca. 4 weeks

Particulary relevant for:
Project managers, portfolio managers, policy makers, strategy makers and planners

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The Poverty Analysis Tool (PAT) provides a framework for analysing the poverty situation in any (GIZ) partner country. It helps to ensure a balanced portfolio which delivers measurable impact on poverty across all sectors. This tool functions to quickly identify the major issues and opportunities and to bring topline information into decision making. Furthermore, the PAT can be used as a framework for a more in-depth and qualitative poverty analysis.

Key features:
Divided into three sections and built in feedback loops, the PAT delivers guidance on how to obtain and summarize key data on the current poverty situation, the most significant drivers of poverty and their consequences for people’s lives as well as an analysis of the current portfolio and options for the future. Moreover, it incorporates instructions for a workshop to validate the findings and apply country-team knowledge and expertise to prioritise the most significant drivers of poverty, analyse the extent to which these are currently addressed and opportunities to have more impact.

Ca. 4 weeks

Particulary relevant for:
Project managers, portfolio managers, policy makers, strategy makers and planners

Inequality Diagnostics

Planning Strategy

The inequality diagnostics enables a deeper understanding of inequality's country-specific causes and consequences, past efforts to address it, and potential solutions.

Key features:

  • practical and context-adaptable instructions for the analysis of inequality trends, causes and consequences
  • examination of the C28extent to which inequality reduction features are dealt with in the national political and societal discourse
  • policies which directly address the main types and root causes of inequality
  • opportunities for inequality reduction through German Development Cooperation

Ca. 10 weeks (excluding contract preparation)

Particulary relevant for:
Policy makers and project planners who are interested in a structured diagnostic for the assessment of national inequality

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The inequality diagnostics pave the way for a deeper understanding of inequality's country-specific causes and consequences, past efforts to address it, and the range and feasibility of potential solutions. Therefore, this tool provides the structure for a diagnostic assessment of national inequality in partner countries of the German Development Cooperation.

Key features:
Split into four parts, the guidelines for executing country-specific inequality diagnostics offer practical and context-adaptable instructions. In part one the focus lies on the Analysis of inequality trends, causes and consequences, leading to the second part of exmining the extent to which inequality reduction Features are dealt with in the national policial and societal discourse. Part three concerns policies which directly address the main types, root causes and ultimate consequences of inequality including a reflection on past experiences regarding (un)successful policies. Finally, part four of the laid out inequality diagnostic explores the opportunities for inequality reduction through German Development Cooperation.

Ca. 10 weeks (excluding contract preparation)

Particulary relevant for:
Policy makers and project planners who are interested in a structured diagnostic for the assessment of national inequality in countries worldwide

Questions and Answers to “Leave No One Behind” – Experience from Burkina Faso


This Q&A document offers effective approaches for integrating LNOB into projects and identifies opportunities for systematically reaching disadvantaged target groups.

Key features:

  • approaches for identifying those left behind as well as identification of barriers to reaching them
  • examples from Burkina Faso's strategies for reaching left behind groups
  • practical insights on how to strengthen the implementation of LNOB both in and beyond the project context

Particulary relevant for:
Project planners and practitioners interested in hands-on examples of experiences gained in the implementation of LNOB measures and an opportunity to transfer lessons learned to other contexts.

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By presenting experiences gained in the implementation of 'Leave-NO-One-Behind (LNOB)' measures in Burkina Faso, this document offers an opportunity to transfer the lessons learned to other contexts. The Q&A document analyses potential approaches for integrating LNOB more effectively into ongoing projects and identifies opportunities for systematically reaching disadvantaged target groups.

Key features:
After specifying how those left behind can be identified through context-specific target group analyses as well as the collection and use of disaggre-gated data, the document elaborates on barriers to reaching left behind groups. Burkina Faso's experiences, moreover, offer transferable and applicable strategies for reaching left behind groups, directly leading to practical insights on how to strengthen the implementation of LNOB both in and beyond the project context.

Particulary relevant for:
Project planners and practitioners interested in hands-on examples of experiences gained in the implementation of LNOB measures and an opportunity to transfer lessons learned to other contexts.

LNOB Online Training

Implementation Monitoring Planning

This online training answers key questions relating to the crosscutting 'Leave-No-One-Behind' (LNOB) Agenda 2030 principle and its application.

Key features:

  • interactive and engaging learning experience consisting of six modules
  • international experts who provide input through weekly webinars
  • moderated online forum and assignments to apply LNOB directly in respective working contexts
  • peer exchanges on the principle of LNOB and its application

6 weeks

Particulary relevant for:
Development planners and practitioners (from international organisations, civil society organisations as well as partner organizations) aiming to learn more about the LNOB princple and its practical application

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This interactive and engaging online training aims at answering key questions relating to the crosscutting 'Leave-No-One-Behind' (LNOB) Agenda 2030 principle and its application. Developed for a diverse target group, the course facilitates peer exchange and provides inputs to better operationalize LNOB in practice.

Key features:
The course offers an interactive and engaging learning experience through exchange with fellow practitioners, a moderated online forum and assignments to apply LNOB directly in respective working contexts. International experts will provide input through weekly webinars, answer participants' questions and share relevant material. The training consists of six different modules which will cover a variety of topics. Working in interest- or thematic groups as well as sharing and exchanging on experiences and expertise actively involve and encourage each participant's contribution.

6 weeks

Particulary relevant for:
Development planners and practitioners (from international organisations, civil society organisations as well as partner organizations) aiming to learn more about the LNOB princple and its practical application